Soundtracks: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

List of artists: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Music Video

We9tna Lyrics



Song Facts

  • Genre: Rap
  • Producer: Splitted
  • Album: YAKINE (2024)
  • Lyricist: L’Morphine
  • Composer: Splitted
  • Publisher: Chabaka - شبكة
  • Release Date: June 28, 2024

Song Annotations

The song "We9tna" by L'Morphine is a very profound exploration through the Moroccan culture of contemporary issues. With rich local idioms and references, it's full of track, coloring societal challenges and personal introspection. In the first lines, a tone is set in the repetition of "puppet man" to mean that this is a metaphor for a person controlling or influencing events behind the scenes. Such imagery portrays an idea of carefulness and vigilance that will be elaborated on.

Annotations and Meaning

The first verse is where L'Morphine talks about himself and hard truths: a line such as "Ma ketch nature l'gueddida, tanned l'7dida 9adra l'2imkan" is descriptive of the hustle and its ways that people are prepared for. His almost obsessive return to "Dar El Beida" (Casablanca) and "Imsouane" continuously lays down both a geographical and cultural context within which one places himself in Moroccan life. The verse continues by thanking and relishing life even to the point of it being dangerous from some thing, adding dimensions when it says, "Boussfir," "Codoliprane," showing juxtaposition in life. In the sentence, "f'we9tna, jina f'we9tna," timing comes to be in focus, as well as carpe diem. In the second verse, L’Morphine delves deeper into his passion for music, likening it to Michael Jackson's love for "Billie Jean." The lyrics reference various cultural and artistic icons, from Frida Kahlo to the surrealist art movement, showcasing his intellectual and artistic influences. The mention of "Bni meskine" highlights the struggles of the underprivileged, contrasting with the artistic and surreal imagery. L'Morphine's lyrics also encompass themes of escape and survival, heard in lines about the apocalypse and the harsh reality of life. The reference to "Game of Thrones" and the belief in dragons speaks volumes of imagination or myth's importance in coping with reality. Morphine's work, especially in the EP "Yakine," draws vivid images and metaphors related to Eid al-Kabir, a significant Islamic festival. The EP depicts the intricacies and challenges of slaughtering and preparing a sheep, comparing it to the broader struggles of life. The lyrics explore themes of mortality, the harsh realities of existence, and the quest for peace through various means, including music and introspection. Morphine also references various cultural and symbolic elements, such as the red belt in judo and the concept of the third eye, to underline his points. Summary Butchering Effort: Preparing a sheep for Eid requires effort and patience, akin to the challenges in life. Idiom Meaning: “Nacher lgaddida” is used to describe someone idle, highlighting the contrast with hard work. EP "Yakine": Morphine's EP is rich in metaphors and cultural references, exploring deep themes. Drug Reference: Codoliprane symbolizes Morphine's struggle with life’s harsh realities. Symbolic Imagery: The use of the third eye and red belt in judo adds layers of meaning to his work. Whale Comparison: His creative process is likened to a whale surfacing for air, necessary yet sporadic. Third Eye: Represents deeper awareness and is a recurring symbol in his work. Red Belt: Indicates mastery and dedication, reflecting his approach to his music career. Inheritable Impact: His lyrics are designed to leave a lasting legacy. Complex Relationship: His feelings towards music and fame are nuanced, reflecting both passion and struggle.

Personal Reflection

The song "We9tna" generally resonates on the platform of speaking on a host of societal issues, tells a personal story of resilience, and leaves room for its abstract interpretation of artistic expression. Descriptive imagery and loads of cultural references are employed by the Moroccan rapper to communicate his message across, almost making the track easily relatable and thought-provoking. The thematic content of struggle, resilience, and passion in art epitomized through the song is universal, though drawn from the Moroccan experience. L'Morphine has a way of blending local idioms with broad cultural idioms, hence creating a texture full of meanings that leave one inspired and thoughtful about his/her life or the world around him/her. Overall, "We9tna" is a powerful tune that signifies not only L'Morphine's artistry but the complications of the world within which he engages his creativity. It stands as a call to awareness, a celebration of creativity, and a reflection on our times.

We9tna Song Lyrics

We9tna by L’Morphine

He's coming, he's coming, he's walking up the stairs
And he's the puppet man, everyone be aware
He's coming, he's coming, he's walking up the stairs
And he's the puppet man, everyone be aware

[Verse 1]
Ma kentch nacher l'gueddida, tanmeddi l'7dida 9adra l'2imkan (Yeah)
L'bida f'Dar El Beida, l'hoofa nefs lila f'Imsouane
Ne7med Allah, kherjat trifa, ama ra 3endi 3a9liya dyal tmout sghir
Ossloub d'3icha yjik Boussfir, l'9lila 5 Codoliprane (Yeah)
F'we9tna (Huh), jina f'we9tna (Yeah)
Tgoul Judoka f'lila we7da samta 7amra
Loun del ma, fessro l'3ma w jibo l'hna
9bel ma nebda, khdit mkhedda, 3reftha 7elma
Bohémien, épicurien, l'Morpho système
Melli kandir l'bien, ra machi 7it tame3 f'Jenna
Koktna, l'ghella koktna (Yeah)
Dezna ghir f l'angle mort, rje3na lel ghariza reptilienne (Ey)
Nota li gha thennina, la yktebha lhiha, 9ate3 l'2irssal (Ouh)
W dfar dyal l'mo3allima, ana 3a9el 3liha f'de7ka d'Merkel
N3awed w ne7sseb, ch7al men tefli9a, ndreb tche9liba, boîte crânienne
N3awed te9li3a b'les roues arrières, robot 2inssan l'gaz dyali f'Shell
Chouf f'sma, 3awtani, chouf f'sma
3ellem chi nejma, li gha tejbedha nhar twelli kayen
Yallah sella, w 3ad tne99a ghi b'timouma (Hmm)
Les Flintstones y3ech9o tebboun w y7arbouna (Yeah)
Lave vaisselle fih ghi tebssil w jouj kissan
7it ra machi sahel, bach ghi b'rap at7errerha (Yeah)
Fo9 l'A, ki chi chapeau fo9 l'Â
Ma t7awlech tssennefna, 7na ra afkarna fo9 lumière
Chouf f'sma, 3awtani, chouf f'sma
3ellem chi nejma, li gha tjbedha nhar twelli kayen
F'we9tna, jina f'we9tna
Tgoul Judoka f'lila we7da samta 7amra
[Verse 2]
Kanbghi l'mezzika kima bgha Michael Billie jean
L'épilepsie laye7 f lyrics Pregabalin
Ki Kahlo Freida tableau b chitat surréaliste
B9at ghi jeltita f rwappa d3af men Bni meskine
Bni meskine, nebni b llil
Ntekka 3la rrima b7alla 3ad raje3 men la marine
Talassim, moutallat f jebha tferfer l3ine
La baleine, kolla ster nsouto men lkhayachime
Ki tech3el lbrika bla ma tektika f seb3i lw9id
Nermi ti9niya yemchi yjibha liya kelb slou9i
L'apocalypse lkoura l ardiya douz f sous vide
Teghber ljaratim tanwelli 3alim bel 9er9oubi
Bnadem balid kayti9 f les dragons d Game Of Thrones
F dmaghou l'ponj kolchi daz 3lih wad herhouri
Zefita sghira kebrat wellat 7akma la vie
L'euthanasie 9telt l9elb w ga3 l a7assiss
Li ta7etlo lbeliya tibanlo fiya kit de survie
Ach bghiti 7ta ntiya?! Yak ghir wliya ki goltili
3ayech sursis ma ne9derch nedwi la nemchi l Boughemgham
7ta men Ouahbi la fhem le3bi yrekebli khelkhal

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