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List of artists: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Music Video

Power Up Lyrics

Young Multi


"Power Up" by Young Multi is an explosive anthem.

  • Producers: Nolyrics (producers collective) and PapaBlessBeats.
  • Release Date: July 9, 2024.

Annotations and Meaning.

{cite>Power Up Young Multi creates an aggressive track with powerful ideas and colorful graphics. The song is inspired by the Call of Duty series' famous game mode, Team Deathmatch, notably Modern Warfare 3. In this game, players are separated into two teams and compete to eliminate each other for points. The reference emphasizes the song's aggressive tone and competitive spirit, comparing Young Multi's ascension in the music scene to the intense conflicts in the game. He implies that he is prepared to dominate and "kill" his opponents, just like players do in the game.

Evaluation of Power Up Young Multi's tune .Power Up starts with a strong hook that repeats the word "Power Up" to generate a sense of escalation and enthusiasm. The phrase is accompanied with Polish lines like "rozpierdalamy wszędzie" (we destroy everything) and "załaduj tego więcej" (load more of it), suggesting an irresistible force and a constant drive for success. In the first stanza, Young Multi brags about his new automobile, fortune, and lifestyle. The sentence "Brand new Benz, brand new whip" emphasizes his financial advantages, whereas "smoking that gas" refers to drug use as a status symbol. He also cites a girl leaving like a ghost, implying a fleeting and superficial interpersonal dynamic. The pre-chorus discusses his financial success and resilience, noting that he has many bank accounts and refuses to sell his soul, despite lucrative offers. The shift from being unnoticed to being sought for is documented, with music serving as the oxygen that powers him. In the second verse, he commemorates his financial achievements with the phrases "Pierwszy mil', Drugi mil', Trzeci milion" (first million, second million, and third million). He dismisses individuals who criticize him online, portraying himself as a trailblazer unaffected by negativity. He stresses his confidence and swagger, rejecting those who aren't on his level. The song closes with an outro that thanks the producer, PapaBlessBeats, emphasizing the joint work behind it. Young Multi's Power Up explores themes of triumph, confidence, and power. Through vivid gaming metaphors and braggadocious songs, he portrays himself as a formidable force in the rap scene, capable of overcoming any barriers in his path. The song commemorates his rise from underdog to recognized artist, propelled by an insatiable desire for achievement and recognition.

Power Up Song Lyrics

Power Up by Young Multi

Team Deathmatch

Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up, power up — rozpierdalamy wszędzie
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — załaduj tego więcej
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — rozpierdalamy wszędzie
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — załaduj tego więcej

[Zwrotka 1]
Brand new Benz (Benz), brand new whip (Whip)
Brand new b**ch, smoking that gas (Gas)
Mogę ją mieć (Mieć)
Zarzuca perka i znika jak duch (b**ch)
Nie ma jej na UAV, nie gramy w gierki bo to nie jest stream, ah
To nie jest stream
Po-po tym numerze sześćdziesiąt za show
Mr. Monopoly za milion dom
Trafiam do celu, dziwko, jakbym scope miał (Grrr) — dawaj mi ognia
Polska scena nadal wolna
Przejmuje wszystko, biorę co moje
Feelin' like Cobra
Chce dawać głowę
Suko, po co jak nie jesteś mądra?
Robię ten cash, flippin' them stacks na cztery konta (Racks)
Nie sprzedam duszy, choć deale za dealem, to czysta jest głowa
Zobacz, jak wszystko zmieniło się w dzień
Wcześniej nie chcieli, a teraz chcą mieć
Muzyka znowu dostarcza mi tlen, daje mi

Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — rozpierdalamy wszędzie
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — załaduj tego więcej
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — rozpierdalamy wszędzie
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — załaduj tego więcej

[Zwrotka 2]
Pierwszy mil' (Mil')
Drugi mil' (Mil')
Trzeci milion
Więc po co dawać jebanie o was, skoro mam wszystko?
EMP, ten killstreak na mnie, kurwo, jak MW3
M.O.A.B zdzwonił na mnie, przejąłem sygnał im
Te copycaty wciąż drapią mi w drzwi
Dawać mi procent i dawać mi kwit
Multi to tygrys, pokażę im kły, pokaże im kły
Pizdy, co piszą, widziałem na necie
Pokaż im lepiej co wisi w DM-ie
Ustaw się w szereg, to nie jest Twój level
Yeah, yeah, to nie jest Twój level
Cztery shawty na mnie, cztery kurwy na mnie
Cztery dziwki, ale nie chcę ich
Chłopcze, jaki trendsetter?
Jaki Ty fresh? Jak, kurwa, nikt nie zna Cię
To pierdolenie wasze napędza mnie, nim znowu ładuję baterię
Na mnie w kurwę swagu leży, dziwko, Twój cały fit to z Pandy jest
Robię ten cash, flippin' them stacks na cztery konta (Racks)
Nie sprzedam duszy, choć deale za dealem, to czysta jest głowa
Zobacz jak wszystko zmieniło się w dzień
Wcześniej nie chcieli, a teraz chcą mieć
Muzyka znowu dostarcza mi tlen, daje mi

Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — rozpierdalamy wszędzie
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — załaduj tego więcej
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — rozpierdalamy wszędzie
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — załaduj tego więcej

Papabless on the beat


Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — we blow everything up
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — load more of it
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — we blow everything up
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — load more of it

[Verse 1]
Brand new Benz (Benz), brand new whip (Whip)
Brand new girl, smoking that gas (Gas)
I can have her (Have her)
She pops a pill and disappears like a ghost (b**ch)
She's not on UAV, we're not playing games 'cause this isn't a stream, ah
This isn't a stream
After this track, sixty per show
Mr. Monopoly, million-dollar house
I hit the target, b**ch, like I had a scope (Grrr) — give me fire
Polish scene still free
Taking over everything, taking what's mine
Feelin' like Cobra
She wants to give head
b**ch, why if you're not smart?
I'm making that cash, flippin' those stacks into four accounts (Racks)
I won't sell my soul, though deals after deals, my mind is clear
See how everything changed in a day
They didn't want it before, now they want it
Music provides me oxygen again, gives me

Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — we blow everything up
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — load more of it
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — we blow everything up
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — load more of it

[Verse 2]
First mil' (Mil')
Second mil' (Mil')
Third million
So why give a f**k about you when I have everything?
EMP, that killstreak on me, b**ch, like MW3
M.O.A.B called on me, I took over their signal
These copycats still knocking on my door
Give me a percentage and give me cash
Multi is a tiger, I'll show them fangs, show them fangs
Pussies writing, I've seen online
Show them better what's in the DM
Line up, it's not your level
Yeah, yeah, it's not your level
Four shawties on me, four whores on me
Four chicks, but I don't want them
Boy, what trendsetter?
How fresh are you? No one even knows you
Your bullsh*t fuels me, recharging my battery
I'm swagged out, b**ch, your whole fit is from Panda
I'm making that cash, flippin' those stacks into four accounts (Racks)
I won't sell my soul, though deals after deals, my mind is clear
See how everything changed in a day
They didn't want it before, now they want it
Music provides me oxygen again, gives me

Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — we blow everything up
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — load more of it
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — we blow everything up
Power up, power up, power up, power up
Power up, power up — load more of it

Papabless on the beat

A-Z Lyrics Universe

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