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Music Video

Değişmene Rağmen Lyrics



Değişmene Rağmen by Ati242

  • Producer: Efe Can
  • Release Date: July 5, 2024
  • Views: 16.6K
  • Composer: Efe Can & Ati242
  • Label: SST Music
  • Publisher: SST Music
  • Video Director: Cenan Çelik
  • Director of Photography: Sedat Taşkan
  • Mastering Engineer: Ludwig Maier
  • Mixing Engineer: Efe Can
  • Guitar: Doğukan Aydın

Annotations and Meaning

Ati242 frequently makes references to the past in his tracks. For example, in his album DIPSOMANIA, the single "NERDESIN" contains lines like: "Bi sigara yaktım geçmişe ve dumanlayım hâlen." Thank you for sharing your photos with us. In an Instagram post, Ati242 revealed that many fans had questioned whether he was depressed or what the song was about. He emphasized that he wrote this song during his first year of university, approximately six or seven years ago. He clarified that the song dates back to his "Kısık Bir Ses" phase, therefore there is no need to be concerned about his mental state. He reassured followers that he is now in good spirits.


Ati242's song Değişmene Rağmen explores the emotional impact of former relationships. The opening lyrics establish a nostalgic tone, with the artist reflecting on a period when he was young and innocent, only to be profoundly touched by someone who entered his life. In the first verse, the artist recalls being caught in a pure moment and progressively becoming tied to this person. He emphasizes the turbulence of his emotions, which were first wild before eventually being tamed. The metaphor of a diamond heart becoming sharp represents how this individual's heart hardened with time. Ati242 confesses his sins, acknowledging his immaturity and the strain it had on his girlfriend. The poem continues with the artist's musings on his loneliness and misdirected behavior, in which he wrongfully projected his emotions on innocent people. His use of wine as a confessional tool reflects his inability to move on. The chorus is a touching meditation on the present, in which the artist finds himself caught in the past, looking for traces of his former sweetheart in everyone he meets. He recognizes the evolution of their relationship, in which they have become strangers, yet he still treasures the memories, smiling at old images despite the fact that they no longer contain any actual importance. In the second verse, Ati242 investigates the concepts of time and change. He reflects on how they rejoined after years apart, hoping to renew their romance. However, they have both changed radically and are unable to reintegrate as they once did. The artist expresses his mingled feelings of nostalgia, warmth, and despair. He knows that the most lovely emotions are now in the past, but he hopes that they will be together again in another life. The reoccurring theme of fight against fate and the passage of time is clear. Despite his fame and fortune, he feels no comfort because his hands are still damaged, and his world remains bleak. The song concludes on a note of resignation, as the artist continues to struggle with his emotions and the unchanging nature of his situation.

Değişmene Rağmen Song Lyrics

Değişmene Rağmen by Ati242


[Verse 1]
Çocuktum, çarptın beni en masum anda
Bağladın, mühürledin kalbine zamanla (Ba-ba-ba-ba)
Afalladım, yüzüme rüzgârın esti
Fırtınaydım, günden güne ehlileştim (Ba-ba-ba-ba)
Geldin ve zannettim artık hepsi geçti
Pırlanta kalbin kırıldı, keskinleşti (Ba-ba-ba-ba)
Hata hep bendeydi, ben toydum, sen olgun
Beklerken değişmemi peşimde yoruldun
Hoşlandığım tüm kadınları sana benzettim
Ben masum insanlara bencilce haksızlık ettim
Yalnızdım, yalanlarla tek tek dans ettim
Bi' kadeh şarapla herkese senden bahsettim
Birbirimizi aradık hep farklı tende
Sevgiyle bakardık düşman gibi sevişmelerde
Kaçtın yıllarca kendinden ve benden
Anladım o gece pişman gibi gülümsemenden

Takıldım ağına, herkeste seni arıyorum değişmene rağmen
Eskisi gibi değiliz, eski resimlere bakıp gülümserim hâlen
Bunun anlamı yok, iki yabancıyız biliyorum aslında
Geçmişte yaşıyorum, orada hâlâ seni seviyorum aslında
Takıldım ağına, herkeste seni arıyorum değişmene rağmen
Eskisi gibi değiliz, eski resimlere bakıp gülümserim hâlen
Bunun anlamı yok, iki yabancıyız biliyorum aslında
Geçmişte yaşıyorum, orada hâlâ seni seviyorum aslında
[Verse 2]
Zaman aşımına uğramış hikâyemiz
Yıllar sonra kavuştuk sandık, artık beraberiz
Sanardım değişmez hiç aşklarda lisan
Olmuşuz artık iki bambaşka insan
Sanki aylardan nisan
Sıcaklığın benimle, buruk bi' tebessüm yüzümde
En güzel duygularım dünümde kaldı
Belki başka bi' hayatta yine seninle
Ayrılık zor, koyar her insana
Kalbin kor ama sertleşir hava
Hayat uzun bi' yol, gelir bahar
Duygular istila, kimse değil yalansız
Başardım şimdi ama neye yarar?
Cebimde para ama ellerim yara
Bu nasıl kader, niye denk gelir bana?
Güneşim simsiyah, renklerim karanlık

Takıldım ağına, herkeste seni arıyorum değişmene rağmen
Eskisi gibi değiliz, eski resimlere bakıp gülümserim hâlen
Bunun anlamı yok, iki yabancıyız biliyorum aslında
Geçmişte yaşıyorum, orada hâlâ seni seviyorum aslında
Takıldım ağına, herkeste seni arıyorum değişmene rağmen
Eskisi gibi değiliz, eski resimlere bakıp gülümserim hâlen
Bunun anlamı yok, iki yabancıyız biliyorum aslında
Geçmişte yaşıyorum, orada hâlâ seni seviyorum aslında



[Verse 1]
I was a child, you struck me in the most innocent moment
You tied me, sealed me to your heart over time (Ba-ba-ba-ba)
I was stunned, your wind blew on my face
I was a storm, tamed day by day (Ba-ba-ba-ba)
You came and I thought it was all over now
Your diamond heart broke, became sharp (Ba-ba-ba-ba)
The fault was always mine, I was naive, you were mature
Waiting for me to change, you got tired following me
I made all the women I liked resemble you
I selfishly wronged innocent people
I was alone, danced with lies one by one
With a glass of wine, I talked about you to everyone
We always searched for each other in different skins
We looked at each other with love, making love like enemies
You ran from yourself and from me for years
I understood that night from your regretful smile

I'm caught in your net, searching for you in everyone despite your change
We're not like we used to be, I still smile at old pictures
It doesn't mean anything, we're two strangers, I actually know
I'm living in the past, I still love you there, actually
I'm caught in your net, searching for you in everyone despite your change
We're not like we used to be, I still smile at old pictures
It doesn't mean anything, we're two strangers, I actually know
I'm living in the past, I still love you there, actually

[Verse 2]
Our story is statute-barred
We thought we reunited after years, now we're together
I used to think the language of love never changes
We've become two completely different people
It's like it's April
Your warmth is with me, a bittersweet smile on my face
My best feelings stayed in my past
Maybe in another life again with you
Separation is hard, it affects everyone
Your heart is ember but the air gets cold
Life is a long road, spring comes
Feelings invade, no one is without lies
I've succeeded now but what good is it?
Money in my pocket but my hands are wounded
What kind of fate is this, why does it happen to me?
My sun is pitch black, my colors dark

I'm caught in your net, searching for you in everyone despite your change
We're not like we used to be, I still smile at old pictures
It doesn't mean anything, we're two strangers, I actually know
I'm living in the past, I still love you there, actually
I'm caught in your net, searching for you in everyone despite your change
We're not like we used to be, I still smile at old pictures
It doesn't mean anything, we're two strangers, I actually know
I'm living in the past, I still love you there, actually

A-Z Lyrics Universe

Lyrics / song texts are property and copyright of their owners and provided for educational purposes only. Translation: letra, paroles, liedtexte, songtext, testi, letras, текст песни, 歌词, كلمات الأغاني, गाने के बोल, mga titik ng kanta.