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List of artists: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Music Video

Worth It Lyrics

OST: Suffs

Song Lyrics

Worth It Song Lyrics

What will my life look like if I wasn't so consumed by this?
I see women with their children in the park and I feel a little ache.
Is knowing that kind of love really something I'm willing to miss?
And will I feel like a failure no matter what choice I make?

Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?
Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?

How would it feel if I could really rely on someone
Who would brew me up a cup of tea to calm my worried head?
Part of me thinks I don't deserve a family till my work gets done.
Can you really lead a revolution and still be home in time to put your baby to bed?

Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?
Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?

Would I only resent him for holding me back from making my dreams come true?
Would I only grow guilty and selfish, feeling perpetually torn between the two?
I'm stubborn as hell, so how could anybody even love me enough to stay?
How could I bring a child into this broken world anyway?

I remember my mother, circles under her eyes, cleaning up my mess.
How did she relentlessly surrender so much of herself for me?
I wish I could ask her, was it worth it?
But if it wasn't, would she ever confess?

Should I make the opposite sacrifice to be who I need to be?
Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?
Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?

Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?
Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?
Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?

Take wife and motherhood, put them high, high up on a shelf.
If I don't give my all to my calling, I'll never forgive myself.
I swear I'll make it worth it.

June, 12th 2024

Song Facts:

  • Genre: Musical Theatre

  • Lyricist: Shaina Taub

  • Composers: Shaina Taub

  • Musical: "Suffs"

  • Year: 2024

Annotations and Meaning of Worth It:

The track Worth It from the musical "Suffs" explores the internal conflict faced by women who are dedicated to a cause but also yearn for personal fulfillment through family life. It delves into themes of sacrifice, self-worth, and the balancing act between personal and professional aspirations.

What will my life look like if I wasn't so consumed by this?
I see women with their children in the park and I feel a little ache.

The singer begins by reflecting on the personal cost of her dedication to the suffrage movement. She envies the simpler joys of family life, feeling a pang of longing for a life she might miss out on.

Is knowing that kind of love really something I'm willing to miss?
And will I feel like a failure no matter what choice I make?

These lines capture the singer's fear of missing out on maternal love and the doubt that she might regret either path—choosing activism over family or vice versa.

Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?

The repeated question highlights the central dilemma, questioning whether the sacrifices made for the cause are truly worth the personal cost.

How would it feel if I could really rely on someone
Who would brew me up a cup of tea to calm my worried head?

The singer fantasizes about a supportive partner who could offer comfort and emotional support, something she feels she might lack due to her intense focus on activism.

Part of me thinks I don't deserve a family till my work gets done.
Can you really lead a revolution and still be home in time to put your baby to bed?

This internal conflict reveals a belief that she must achieve her goals before deserving personal happiness, questioning if it is possible to balance revolutionary work with family life.

Would I only resent him for holding me back from making my dreams come true?
Would I only grow guilty and selfish, feeling perpetually torn between the two?

She contemplates the potential resentment towards a partner who might be seen as a barrier to her dreams, and the guilt of being divided between her cause and her family.

I'm stubborn as hell, so how could anybody even love me enough to stay?
How could I bring a child into this broken world anyway?

The singer acknowledges her own difficult personality and doubts if anyone could love her steadfastly. She also questions the morality of bringing a child into a flawed world.

I remember my mother, circles under her eyes, cleaning up my mess.
How did she relentlessly surrender so much of herself for me?

Reflecting on her own mother's sacrifices, the singer admires her mother's dedication but also wonders about the toll it took on her.

I wish I could ask her, was it worth it?
But if it wasn't, would she ever confess?

She wishes for her mother's perspective on whether the sacrifices were worth it but doubts she would receive an honest answer if they were not.

Should I make the opposite sacrifice to be who I need to be?
Is it worth it? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?

These lines show her considering whether she should forgo family life to fully commit to her cause, echoing the central question once more.

Take wife and motherhood, put them high, high up on a shelf.
If I don't give my all to my calling, I'll never forgive myself.
I swear I'll make it worth it.

The conclusion sees the singer resolving to prioritize her mission above all else, vowing to make her sacrifices meaningful by fully dedicating herself to her work.

Song creation

"Worth It" is a new addition to the show since its run at the Public Theater. Initially, this slot featured a sung scene between Alice and Inez, which has now been restructured into a book scene with Alice, Lucy, and Inez. The songwriter realized that this moment needed a "song-song"—a complete song with a beginning, middle, and end—and that it was essential to delve deeper into Alice's inner life. "Who was this girl really, when no one else was around?" she pondered.

The impetus for this song came from a note by the acclaimed Jeanine Tesori. After seeing a reading post-Public, Tesori asked, "Why do you never talk about Alice’s decision not to be a wife and mother?" Initially resistant, the songwriter replied, "Jeanine, it’s not about that! I don’t want to have a boyfriend character... This show is about women working, okay?" Tesori's response was a turning point: "You don’t need a boyfriend character, but if I’m not in her head when she’s trying to decide how she feels about these things, she won’t feel like a real human woman."

Struck by this insight, she set out to write a vulnerable, visceral song, tackling both music and lyrics simultaneously—a rare approach for her. She opted for a much simpler chord progression than most of the show's other pieces, creating a raw, unembellished feel. The final chorus was expanded to include the other major characters debating the same issues, with Andrea Grody providing a stunning vocal arrangement for Broadway.

Overall, Worth It captures the personal struggles and sacrifices faced by women in the suffrage movement, balancing their desires for personal fulfillment with their commitment to a greater cause.

A-Z Lyrics Universe

Lyrics / song texts are property and copyright of their owners and provided for educational purposes only. Translation: letra, paroles, liedtexte, songtext, testi, letras, текст песни, 歌词, كلمات الأغاني, गाने के बोल, mga titik ng kanta.