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Wait My Turn (reprise) Lyrics

OST: Suffs

Song Lyrics

Wait My Turn (reprise) Song Lyrics

How many more thrown in nameless graves?
How many more falsely charged with crime?
How many more whipped and shot like slaves?
How many more murdered in their prime?
How many more pamphlets must I write?

How many more threats must I withstand?
How many more lynchings must I cite?
How many more times must I demand?
How many more years off of my life?
How many, till I'm a grieving wife?
How long, till it's too late?

Will you wait? Will you wait?
Don't be foolish. Good night, Professor.
I won't wait another day.
I won't wait. I won't wait. I won't wait my turn.
But decades of defiance take their toll.
Sure, I'm always speaking true to power.

But I do not feel alone.
Each time I'm told to wait my turn,
It's like my every nerve has been exposed.
Why can't I be more like Mary and keep myself composed?
Have I been too prone to wait my turn? Have I been too polite?

God, I wish I had her courage. How does she burn so bright?
Am I risking far too much? Could this be my last sojourn?
Will we ever win this fight? Will the country ever learn?
Will I ever live to see it?

Or will I survive in time to take my turn?
Or will I survive in time to take my turn?

June, 12th 2024

Song Facts:

  • Genre: Musical Theatre

  • Lyricist: Shaina Taub

  • Composers: Shaina Taub

  • Musical: "Suffs"

  • Year: 2024

The Evolution of a Song

"Wait My Turn (Reprise)" has evolved significantly from its initial version at the Public Theater to its current form on Broadway. Originally a solo for Ida, the songwriter saw an opportunity to deepen the piece by transforming it into a duet between Ida and Mary. This change allowed the song to begin as a direct duet and then transition into a joint soliloquy, providing deeper insight into each character’s inner life.

In the duet portion, Ida and Mary clash over strategy, but as the song progresses into the soliloquy, they reveal their mutual admiration for each other’s methods. This dual perspective within a single song moment added a new layer of complexity and emotional depth.

Stacy and Nikki deliver powerful performances every night, making this song a highlight. The songwriter also expressed gratitude to associate director Lori Parquet for her dramaturgical guidance in refining the scene. Creating a musical is a collaborative effort, and this song showcases the strength of a dedicated team working together.

Annotations and Meaning of Wait My Turn (Reprise):

The reprise of Wait My Turn from the musical "Suffs" revisits the intense struggle and urgency felt by the suffragists, emphasizing the personal sacrifices and the ongoing fight for justice. The song reflects on the relentless challenges and the emotional toll of waiting for equality.

How many more thrown in nameless graves?
How many more falsely charged with crime?
How many more whipped and shot like slaves?
How many more murdered in their prime?

The opening lines highlight the brutal and often fatal consequences of systemic injustice. The repetition underscores the frequency and severity of these atrocities, demanding attention and action.

How many more pamphlets must I write?
How many more threats must I withstand?
How many more lynchings must I cite?
How many more times must I demand?

The suffragist's tireless efforts in writing pamphlets and facing threats are emphasized, illustrating the persistent advocacy required to bring attention to these issues.

How many more years off of my life?
How many, till I'm a grieving wife?
How long, till it's too late?

These lines express the personal cost of activism, including the fear of losing loved ones and the anxiety of running out of time to achieve meaningful change.

Will you wait? Will you wait?
Don't be foolish. Good night, Professor.
I won't wait another day.
I won't wait. I won't wait. I won't wait my turn.

The resolve not to wait any longer is declared firmly, rejecting the idea of being patient in the face of injustice. The speaker’s determination to act immediately is highlighted.

But decades of defiance take their toll.
Sure, I'm always speaking true to power.

The song acknowledges the cumulative effect of years of resistance and the weariness that accompanies it. The speaker's commitment to speaking truth to power is unwavering despite the toll it takes.

But I do not feel alone.
Each time I'm told to wait my turn,
It's like my every nerve has been exposed.

The sense of solidarity with other activists provides some solace. However, being repeatedly told to wait exacerbates the speaker’s frustration and vulnerability.

Why can't I be more like Mary and keep myself composed?
Have I been too prone to wait my turn? Have I been too polite?

The speaker questions their own approach, comparing themselves to another activist, Mary, who may handle the pressure with more composure. This self-reflection reveals doubt and introspection about their methods.

God, I wish I had her courage. How does she burn so bright?
Am I risking far too much? Could this be my last sojourn?

Admiration for Mary’s courage is evident, alongside fears about the risks involved in their activism. The possibility of this being their final effort underscores the high stakes.

Will we ever win this fight? Will the country ever learn?
Will I ever live to see it?

The song expresses doubt and longing for the eventual success of their cause, questioning whether they will witness the fruits of their labor within their lifetime.

Or will I survive in time to take my turn?
Or will I survive in time to take my turn?

The concluding lines reiterate the tension between surviving long enough to see the change they fight for and the relentless urgency to act now. The repetition underscores the uncertainty and determination driving the suffragists.

Overall, Wait My Turn (Reprise) deepens the emotional narrative of the suffrage movement, reflecting the personal sacrifices, inner conflicts, and unwavering resolve of the activists.

A-Z Lyrics Universe

Lyrics / song texts are property and copyright of their owners and provided for educational purposes only. Translation: letra, paroles, liedtexte, songtext, testi, letras, текст песни, 歌词, كلمات الأغاني, गाने के बोल, mga titik ng kanta.