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List of artists: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Music Video

The Young Are At The Gates Lyrics

OST: Suffs

Song Lyrics

The Young Are At The Gates Song Lyrics

I won't forget that frigid January morning,
When my heart was in my stomach at the president's front door.
I could barely feel my toes, but my spirit was on fire,
With the thrill of trying something no one's ever done before.

I could feel my shoulders tighten, so unsure how this would go.
But we vowed to keep a vigil here to let the old men know.
The young are at the gates, the young are at the gates.
Open up the futures here, the young are at the gates, the young are at the gates.

The young are at the gates, tear a meal or time is near, the young are at the gates.
At first we feared we were too few to keep this going.
How could such a little army go on standing in the cold?
But day by day more women came from all corners of the country.

I could feel a hum of hope, each time a new one joined the fold.
We got nurses from Virginia, college girls from Michigan and Idaho.
And we weren't all young, you know.
We got workers from the factory, teachers from New York, even Mary Church Terrell came through.

I brought my daughter too.
And what started as a dozen turned to hundreds within weeks.
Standing there we stand, you stares with icy air upon our cheeks.
Though not a word was spoken, our volume only grew as winter turned.

We never left the avenue.
The young are at the gate, the young are at the gate.
Open up the futures here, the young are at the gate, the young are at the gate.
The young are at the gate, the young are at the gate.
Do you really need your time to speed? The young are at the gate.

April 6, 1917, Wilson declares war on Germany.
Alice, we can't do this anymore.
If we go out there now, they might arrest us.
They might. But Inez died trying to finish this fight. So are we going to give up?

Or are we going to make damn sure her sacrifice was worth it?
I won't forget that muggy April morning.
As we took our place, a crowd of scowling men began to form.
Ten policemen lurked nearby, holding billy clubs and smirking.
I could feel a start to panic, like a fast approaching storm.

But then suddenly we felt it, like a mighty cannon blast.
Every cost and battle lost of every generation passed.
So we rose up in defiance, yes we chose to risk it all.
For our sisters' silent voices, let the patriarch evolve.

The young are at the gate, the young are at the gates.
Come and get us if you dare, the young are at the gates.
The young are at the gates, and we'll be at the gates.
Until you open up your eyes, until the world will realize.
The old way always dies, the young are at the gates.

June, 12th 2024

Song Facts:

  • Genre: Musical Theatre

  • Lyricist: Shaina Taub

  • Composers: Shaina Taub

  • Musical: "Suffs"

  • Year: 2024

Song creation

Act II begins with "The Young Are At the Gates," a song first written in 2016, just weeks before the election. Initially, the song spanned 12 minutes and was laden with extra musical motifs. The songwriter felt that de-musicalizing elements helped refine it into a more concise verse/chorus structure that repeats and builds three times, interspersed with two book scenes. Although these book scenes were truncated for the cast album to maintain a song-focused record, they feature excellent counter-melodies in Michael Starobin’s orchestrations, which can be appreciated live at the Music Box.

The song is narrated largely in the past tense, a choice the songwriter questioned during revisions post-Public run. Despite concerns about making the action less immediate by "telling, not showing," the past tense felt intuitively right. Reflecting on advice from Lin-Manuel Miranda about tense in narration, she realized that visceral logic can sometimes override dramaturgical logic.

Another notable change was the third line of the chorus, which evolved from a series of adjectives to a more protest chant-like phrase: “The young are at the gates / the young are at the gates / open up, the future’s here / the young are at the gates.” This adjustment aimed to capture the spirit of a protest chant more effectively.

The songwriter credits the brilliant phrase, "The Young Are At the Gates," to suffragist Lavinia Dock. Discovered early in her research, the phrase resonated deeply, serving as a powerful and evocative foundation for the song.

Annotations and Meaning of The Young Are At The Gates:

The track The Young Are At The Gates from the musical "Suffs" captures the determination and momentum of the suffrage movement as young and old activists unite to push for change. The song reflects the growing strength and solidarity of the movement as it faces challenges and confronts powerful opposition.

I won't forget that frigid January morning,
When my heart was in my stomach at the president's front door.
I could barely feel my toes, but my spirit was on fire,
With the thrill of trying something no one's ever done before.

The song opens with a vivid memory of a pivotal moment, highlighting the mix of fear and excitement felt by the activists as they embark on an unprecedented protest.

I could feel my shoulders tighten, so unsure how this would go.
But we vowed to keep a vigil here to let the old men know.
The young are at the gates, the young are at the gates.
Open up the futures here, the young are at the gates, the young are at the gates.

Despite their uncertainty, the activists commit to their cause, determined to make their presence known. The refrain emphasizes the arrival of a new generation demanding change.

At first we feared we were too few to keep this going.
How could such a little army go on standing in the cold?
But day by day more women came from all corners of the country.

These lines recount the initial doubts about their numbers and resolve, which are soon alleviated as more women join their ranks, demonstrating the growing support for their cause.

I could feel a hum of hope, each time a new one joined the fold.
We got nurses from Virginia, college girls from Michigan and Idaho.
And we weren't all young, you know.
We got workers from the factory, teachers from New York, even Mary Church Terrell came through.

The diversity of the movement is highlighted, showing how women from various backgrounds and regions come together, united in their fight for suffrage.

I brought my daughter too.
And what started as a dozen turned to hundreds within weeks.
Standing there we stand, you stares with icy air upon our cheeks.
Though not a word was spoken, our volume only grew as winter turned.
We never left the avenue.

The movement's rapid growth and unwavering commitment are depicted, with silent protests gaining strength and visibility as more participants join.

The young are at the gate, the young are at the gate.
Open up the futures here, the young are at the gate, the young are at the gate.
The young are at the gate, the young are at the gate.
Do you really need your time to speed? The young are at the gate.

The refrain is repeated, reinforcing the determination and inevitability of change brought by the younger generation.

April 6, 1917, Wilson declares war on Germany.
Alice, we can't do this anymore.
If we go out there now, they might arrest us.
They might. But Inez died trying to finish this fight. So are we going to give up?
Or are we going to make damn sure her sacrifice was worth it?

The entry of the United States into World War I creates additional challenges for the suffragists, who face increased risks. Alice Paul's resolve is strengthened by the memory of Inez Millholland's sacrifice, urging them to persist.

I won't forget that muggy April morning.
As we took our place, a crowd of scowling men began to form.
Ten policemen lurked nearby, holding billy clubs and smirking.
I could feel a start to panic, like a fast approaching storm.

The atmosphere of tension and potential violence during a protest is vividly described, capturing the fear and courage of the activists.

But then suddenly we felt it, like a mighty cannon blast.
Every cost and battle lost of every generation passed.
So we rose up in defiance, yes we chose to risk it all.
For our sisters' silent voices, let the patriarch evolve.

The suffragists draw strength from the sacrifices of past generations, resolving to continue the fight for justice despite the risks. Their defiance and solidarity are powerfully conveyed.

The young are at the gate, the young are at the gates.
Come and get us if you dare, the young are at the gates.
The young are at the gates, and we'll be at the gates.
Until you open up your eyes, until the world will realize.
The old way always dies, the young are at the gates.

The final refrain reinforces the unstoppable momentum of the movement, asserting that the new generation will continue to push for change until their goals are achieved. The song ends on a note of defiant optimism and unwavering commitment to progress.

Overall, The Young Are At The Gates captures the energy, determination, and solidarity of the suffrage movement, highlighting the pivotal role of young activists in driving change and the enduring fight for women's rights.

A-Z Lyrics Universe

Lyrics / song texts are property and copyright of their owners and provided for educational purposes only. Translation: letra, paroles, liedtexte, songtext, testi, letras, текст песни, 歌词, كلمات الأغاني, गाने के बोल, mga titik ng kanta.