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Music Video

The Report Lyrics

OST: Suffs

Song Lyrics

The Report Song Lyrics

Mr. President,
I have the report on the conditions in the prison just as you requested.
This ought to debunk all the baseless claims that the women are being mistreated.

Good, I trust I won't be disappointed.

No sir.

Oh God!

What is it?

We are providing the ladies with excellent care.
A doctor came and dragged me out of my bed.
Their treatment includes artificial feeding.
He smiled and said that I must be fed.
The ladies receive it without resistance.
I turned and twisted all I could,
But they threw me on my back and strapped in my arms and legs.

There is no force necessary.
They try to pry my mouth open with pliers
And I try to clench my teeth shut,
But they shove the tube down my throat and up my nose.

The ladies are offered fresh milk and eggs.
They pour raw eggs through the tube to my gut.
They experience no discomfort.
Everything went black.
I didn't know where to breathe from.
The ladies are the picture of health.
They withdrew the tube and I bled out my nose, out my mouth, so much blood.
Then they leave me there, very sick,
Choking and gagging all night long.

The ladies are nourished by three meals a day.
We are forcibly fed three times a day.
I must say they take this well.
Don't let them tell you we take this well.
Don't let them tell you we take this well.

In conclusion, the ladies are well taken care of
And all rumors in the press of physical abuse are entirely false.

But sir, the problem remains of what to do about their leader Alice Paul.
They took Alice away,
Will not tell us where,
Have not seen her in days.
Terribly worried.

Someone ought to commit her to an asylum.
She does exhibit symptoms of hysteria
Such as verbal displays of opinions in public,
A failure to marry and conceive.
Ladies must be protected.

June, 12th 2024

Song Facts:

  • Genre: Musical Theatre

  • Lyricist: Shaina Taub

  • Composer: Shaina Taub

  • Arranged by: Shaina Taub

  • Release: 2024, June 06

  • Historical context: The song reflects the struggles of suffragettes in early 20th-century America.

The Evolution of a Song

"The Report" addresses the brutal torture American women endured in prison at the hands of the U.S. government. The songwriter grappled with how to convey the forced feeding of hunger strikers in a song without it becoming too heavy-handed or cringe-inducing. She concluded that "telling, not showing" would be more effective, using the letters smuggled out by the suffragettes to describe the torture. This approach allowed the horror to be conveyed more chillingly through the audience's imagination.

The juxtaposition of these letters with the official government report covering up the torture provided a powerful contrast that solidified the song’s structure. Musically, the piece reflects the influence of the songwriter's mentor, Liz Swados, by embracing an experimental style. Two of the four suffragettes sing the melody on a single drone note, while the other two weave around it, creating moments of harmony and dissonance.

Since its creation in 2019, the song has remained largely unchanged, except for a significant adjustment in line assignment. Initially, the reading of the report was done by Commissioner Gardiner, a now-removed side character. The songwriter realized it was more impactful to have President Wilson himself deliver the report, enhancing the emotional and dramatic weight of the piece.

Artist Info:

The musical ensemble "Suffs" is a creation of Shaina Taub, an acclaimed singer-songwriter and performer known for her contributions to contemporary musical theatre. Taub has previously worked on projects that blend historical narratives with modern musical elements, making her a distinctive voice in the theatre community. "Suffs" is her ambitious project that delves into the history of the women's suffrage movement in the United States, highlighting key figures and events through powerful musical storytelling. The cast features a diverse group of actors, reflecting the inclusive spirit of the suffrage movement.

Annotations and Meaning of The Report:

The song The Report offers a stark contrast between the official narrative presented to the President and the harrowing reality experienced by the imprisoned suffragettes. This piece is a chilling portrayal of the mistreatment faced by women fighting for their rights.

"Mr. President,

I have the report on the conditions in the prison just as you requested."

The opening lines set the stage for a formal report, intended to reassure the President that the women are being treated well.

"We are providing the ladies with excellent care.

A doctor came and dragged me out of my bed."

The report claims the women are well-cared for, but the testimony reveals brutal treatment. The "excellent care" includes being forcibly removed from their beds, showing a stark contrast between the report and the actual experiences.

"Their treatment includes artificial feeding.

He smiled and said that I must be fed."

The term "artificial feeding" refers to force-feeding, a common practice inflicted on hunger-striking suffragettes. The doctor's smile underscores the cruel indifference to the women's suffering.

"But they shove the tube down my throat and up my nose."

This graphic description highlights the physical and psychological torment of force-feeding. The vivid imagery emphasizes the brutality of the procedure.

"The ladies receive it without resistance.

I turned and twisted all I could,

But they threw me on my back and strapped in my arms and legs."

Contrary to the report, the women resist as much as possible. The restraint and force used are indicative of the violent measures taken to subdue the suffragettes.

"They pour raw eggs through the tube to my gut.

Everything went black.

I didn't know where to breathe from."

The use of raw eggs as sustenance is both dehumanizing and physically harmful. The blackout and confusion over breathing further illustrate the life-threatening nature of the treatment.

"They withdrew the tube and I bled out my nose, out my mouth, so much blood."

The aftermath of the force-feeding is severe, with significant bleeding and suffering, contradicting the report's claim of no discomfort.

"We are forcibly fed three times a day.

I must say they take this well.

Don't let them tell you we take this well."

The repetition of the forced feeding and the ironic statement about taking it well underscores the continuous and unbearable abuse.

"But sir, the problem remains of what to do about their leader Alice Paul."

The focus shifts to Alice Paul, a key leader in the suffrage movement, highlighting her crucial role and the authorities' concern about her influence.

"Someone ought to commit her to an asylum.

She does exhibit symptoms of hysteria."

This line reflects the historical tendency to pathologize women's political activism as mental illness, particularly targeting outspoken women like Alice Paul.

Thematic Interpretations:

  • Contrast between official narrative and reality: The song starkly contrasts the sanitized report with the brutal truth, exposing the lies and hypocrisy of the authorities.

  • Suffering and resilience: The suffragettes' suffering is vividly depicted, yet their resilience shines through their resistance and refusal to accept the abuse quietly.

  • Historical oppression: The song highlights the historical oppression of women and the extreme measures taken to silence them, including force-feeding and institutionalizing dissenters.

The musical piece powerfully captures the suffragettes' plight, serving as both a historical record and a poignant reminder of their struggle for equality.

A-Z Lyrics Universe

Lyrics / song texts are property and copyright of their owners and provided for educational purposes only. Translation: letra, paroles, liedtexte, songtext, testi, letras, текст песни, 歌词, كلمات الأغاني, गाने के बोल, mga titik ng kanta.